ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number, which stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. This unique alphanumeric code is assigned to each product on the Amazon portal to facilitate accurate identification. Each ASIN is unique and is associated with a single product or variation thereof. It is a fundamental requirement for any product to be activated in Amazon listings.
In the case of books, the ASIN exactly matches the ISBN.
ASIN Applications
ASIN codes are useful for searching for products in the Amazon catalog. When you have the ASIN of a product, you can enter it in the search box at the top of the Amazon pages and press the “Go” button. If the product is listed in the catalog, it will appear in the search results.
Benefits of ASIN
Using ASINs offers several benefits for both sellers and buyers on Amazon. For sellers, the ASIN facilitates inventory management and product organization, ensuring that each item can be easily located and managed. It also helps avoid duplicates in the catalog, which improves search efficiency and the accuracy of product information.
For shoppers, the ASIN ensures that they can find exactly the product they want, even if the item name or description is similar to others. This reduces confusion and improves the shopping experience by providing more accurate and relevant search results. In addition, the ASIN allows shoppers to quickly access all detailed product information, making it easier to make informed decisions.
How to find the ASIN
Finding the ASIN of a product on Amazon is a simple process that can be done in several ways. One of the most straightforward ways is to visit the product detail page. There, the ASIN is usually listed in the “Product Details” section, usually near the bottom of the page. In this section, the ASIN appears alongside other relevant information, such as the item’s weight, dimensions and manufacturer. Another way to locate the ASIN is through the product URL.
In many cases, the ASIN is included as part of the product’s web address, right after the word “dp”. For example, in a URL such as“”, the ASIN would be “B000123456”. Knowing the ASIN of a product can be especially useful for sellers who want to verify existing listings or for buyers who want to make sure they are purchasing the correct item.