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What is Automation



Automation consists of the use of computer programs to complete repetitive marketing tasks that would normally be performed by a human. Thanks to the use of automation programs we can achieve numerous benefits and increase our efficiency within our digital marketing strategy. However, we must conceive of automation as a complement within our strategy because if we fall into the error of establishing all automated processes and then forget about them we will not achieve our objectives in the right way.


Examples of Digital Marketing Automation

There are more and more computer programs and areas within Online Marketing in which we can apply automation systems. Some of the most prominent examples are:

  • Email Marketing: Email programs can use automation to send emails based on certain parameters, such as whether or not a customer opened their email or in case of shopping cart abandonment. Automation is used in email marketing, a Digital Marketing technique, for the acquisition of leads by sending interesting content to someone who has visited a website with the intention of converting that visit into a conversion.
  • Bids: In SEM systems like Google Ads, bid automation is becoming increasingly important. These systems allow the search engine algorithm to learn the behavior of our account and make automated decisions based on our budget in order to maximize profit.
  • Social Networks: programs like Hootsuite allow us to program the content we create for our social networks and that they publish it automatically, with the consequent saving in time.
  • Landing Page: another interesting option is to automate the landing page so that it adapts to the typology of the user who visits it.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Automation

Among the main advantages of applying these processes are:

  • Time saving: the implementation of these processes frees us to have more time to perform other tasks.
  • Greater benefit: consequently we also save on costs and in this way we can increase our profits.
  • Monitoring:track and analyze our actions in order to build a database.