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What is Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness


Brand awareness, allows quantifying the level of knowledge and awareness of the existence of a consumer brand that users have. At the brand level, it refers to the proportion of consumers who know of the existence of the brand.

The stages of brand awareness

For a user to have know about a brand can go through different processes. These processes are divided into three which are:

  • Spontaneously:they are usually “lifelong” brands whose name we associate with products of habitual use.
  • Remember without help:the brand is known but not as well as the ones we mentioned before and we need some time to remember it.
  • Recognition with help:they are little known brands or whose products are not bought on a regular basis. We need external help, whether it is the internet or another person, to help us remember the brand and thus be able to decide the purchase with greater responsibility.

Brand awareness online

At this point it is very important the knowledge we have of the brand at a digital level since it is what will decide that we buy your products through your website or not. In this case, know the average delivery time of your products, shipping costs, security in the refund … They are knowledge about the brand decisive when deciding whether to buy there or not.

A good example would be the Amazon marketplace. Most online shoppers have good impressions of this company thanks to the ease with which they accept returns, good delivery time, among others.