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What is Cross Media Marketing

Cross media Marketing


Cross Media marketing is defined as that marketing strategy that uses the use of multiple channels for the transmission of the same message which, to be understood in its entirety, must be viewed globally and not by a single individual channel.

What is Cross Media Marketing for?

It is therefore a comprehensive strategy that takes advantage of the different particularities of each of the different channels to maximize their possibilities. These channels can be of any type, both online and offline, and require a strategy adapted to each of them.

The Cross Media strategy seeks the active participation of users and interaction with them, so it must be executed quickly and directly, while attractive to attract the attention of the public.


The Cross Media Marketing strategy

There is no single Cross Media strategy, on the contrary, the great diversity of existing channels allows the possibilities to be almost infinite but we must take into account several aspects when establishing this strategy:

  • Multichannel:the multichannel strategy is based on taking advantage of the synergies between the different supports that make up our campaign so that we reach as many users as possible. This implies that each channel should not be fished individually, but as part of a whole.
  • Attract the user:Crossmedia Marketing seeks to be original, emotional and special for the user, awaken emotions in him in a way that generates in his mind a positioning of the brand. The Croos Media must be direct but at the same time that it is the user who comes to it due to the quality of its proposal.
  • Adaptability:the presence of multiple channels requires the presence of a strategy adapted to the particularities of each of them so that the benefits they bring us can be squeezed to the maximum. Adaptability not only has to occur in relation to the channel, but also to the type of user and the situation.
  • Digitize:this strategy involves using all the digital media at our disposal to integrate them in a way that reinforces the message. Our website or application will thus become the core of the strategy and around them the rest of the channels will be articulated.