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What is DoFollow Link

Dofollow Link


DoFollow links

allow Google (and all search engines) to be followed and reach our website, providing us with a backlink. If a webmaster makes a link back, it is called a reciprocal link, and allows both search engines and human users to follow that link. DoFollow links are therefore a very important element within the world of organic positioning and more specifically link building, which is based on increasing the authority of websites through the creation of links that point to them.


DoFollow link: the default link

By default, all hyperlinks are DoFollow,therefore, it is not necessary to do anything to make a DoFollow link, while in  the NoFollow you have to insert the attribute rel=”nofollow”. The DoFollow link is a way to recognize the relevance of a link and transmit authority to the landing page, and thus let the search engine know. This is known as link juice, that is, the percentage of authority that is transmitted from one website to another through its DoFollow links.

Differences between DoFollow and NoFollow links

While DoFollow links pass on some of the authority of the web page that contains them to which it links, non-follow links tell Googlebots not to follow the link and therefore not to transmit that authority. This does not mean that NoFollow links are negative for my website, quite the opposite since Google understands it as something natural to have a higher percentage of NoFollow links compared to DoFollow, and in the event that the percentage of DoFollow is much higher it could even negatively affect our positioning.