An Exact Match Domain (EMD) is an address or URL whose name is composed of the keyword for which that domain wants to position itself. These types of domains have traditionally been applied to improve the SEO of websites and although their effectiveness has been reduced over the years it still continues to be a fairly widespread method. We usually understand as the definition of EMD that the domain name exactly matches the search term but combinations of keywords that are not 100% accurate are also accepted as long as they precisely match the search query.
At the time, many EMDs were used as redirect pages to other websites and to build networks of relevant backlinks, however today the changes of routes through EMD do not provide any benefit regarding positioning.
Advantages of an Exact Match Domain (EMD)
As we have already mentioned before, EMDs may no longer have the same effectiveness as they had a few years ago, however, they still have some very considerable benefits:
- Relevance: the fact that a domain has its keyword as its name is an important sample of relevance so users already know in advance what they are going to find on that website.
- Positioning: from 2012 Google launched its EMD update, at which time the effectiveness of EMD for SEO decreased, however this still retains some importance and in those sectors in which the competition is not very high can be a considerable plus when it comes to appearing in the top positions of search engines.
- Advertising: Another possible benefit of EMDs is to use URLs as advertising slogans that redirect to the pages of their brands, so it is an option to consider.