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What is Link Juice

link juiceDefinition:

The link juice is the value and authority transferred from one web page to another web page through hyperlinks. It can be defined as the positive possibility that a link transfers its positioning from one page to the next.

Such inbound links will tend to get a higher position in search engines when you have enough quantity. In addition, the keyword used from a third-party website that links to the site will help to get a higher position on the search engine results page.


Link Juice Distribution

A link from a well-known website that is trusted by search engines will pass more.”juice”than one in a meaningless directory. When a search engine like Google adds up all the “juice” of the different Internal links, you have an idea of the popularity of a website and use it as one of the factors in the ranking of that website.

Factors influenced by Link Juice

There are several factors that we can cite regarding the influence of Link Juice:

  • Where is the link on the page (the links above pass more Link juice than those below).
  • Whether the link is within the text contained on the page (rather than just in the footer or a sidebar).
  • How much Link Juice has to offer the page the main page.

Tips for optimizing Link Juice

Although the advice related to web positioning should not be taken as absolute truths due to the variability of the algorithms of the search engines, there is a consensus in the SEO community regarding some practices that are recommended in the positioning strategy when distributing the Link Juice:

  • You must get “juice” from other domains through link building strategies. The higher the quality of the domains that link to the page, the more “juice” there will be to distribute.
  • The distribution between links from the home must be balanced, since too many outgoing links will dilute the benefits of the links excessively
  • The links must be in both directions, both from higher pages to feed contents from the lower parts of the hierarchy, and from the lower area to the upper pages