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What is 404 Error

404 Error


Error 404

is a standard error message in hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), which simply means “not found,” indicating that the web server cannot locate the resource requested by a client, typically a web browser.

This is often due to a broken link that has not been updated, has been deleted, or the content has been moved to a new location. The server then generates a 404 web page, which sends a notification to the user that the page has not been found.


Meaning of error 404

The HTTP language requires a server response to all requests, such as a web browser’s request for a specific web page. This response is represented in the form of a numeric code and a message indicating mandatory, optional, or not allowed. The three-digit code returned by the server when the requested resource cannot be found is 404. The first digit indicates that there is a client error, such as a misspelled URL, and the last two digits indicate the specific error found.

When the error code is sent by the server in response, it is accompanied by a user-readable message with a phrase indicating the type of error, which in this case is “not found”. For example, another error 301, which means “permanently moved”. This requires server configuration, which by default, most websites only have to use 404 instead.

404 Error Analysis

When a 404 error occurs, the server cannot find the file that has been requested. This is because re file has been moved or deleted, or an incorrect URL or document name has been entered. Therefore, the URL should be reviewed, if a word appears misspelled, it is corrected and tried again. If this doesn’t work, you go back by deleting information between each backslash, until you reach a page on the site that is not a 404. From there you should be able to find the page you are looking for.