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What is Booking


Booking.com is an international travel rate aggregator and accommodation booking metasearch engine. It is part of Booking Holdings Inc, one of the world’s leading online travel companies, and has more than 17,000 employees spread across 198 offices in 70 countries around the world. Its headquarters are in Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Booking offers more than 30 million listings in nearly 150,000 destinations in 229 countries and territories around the world. Every day Booking.com receives more than a million and a half bookings from people from all over the world looking for a place to stay during their holidays or a business trip. The website is available in 43 languages and its advertising slogan is “Booking.com: Booking.yeah”

Origin of Booking.com

Booking.com has evolved significantly since its inception in 1996. In 2000, Bookings Online, founded by Sicco and Alec Behrens, Marijn Muyser and Bas Lemmens merged with Bookings.nl, creating the website we know today as Booking.com. This new website quickly grew in popularity due to its simple and user-friendly interface, which allowed travelers to search and compare deals easily.

In July 2005, Booking Holdings (then known as Priceline Group) acquired the company for a declared amount of USD 133 million. Following this acquisition, the company collaborated with ActiveHotels.com, another European hotel booking website that was also acquired by Booking Holdings / Priceline for $161 million.

Under the leadership of Stef Noorden, who was appointed CEO in 2000, Booking.com has experienced exponential growth and is now one of the world’s leading online travel companies, offering travelers a wide selection of accommodations across the globe. With more than 1.5 million properties in more than 225 countries and territories, Booking.com remains a trusted resource for travelers looking for the best deals on hotels, flights, rental cars and more.

What is Booking for?

The website offers a wide range of accommodation options, from hotels and resorts to houses, apartments and hostels. It also provides users with information about local attractions and activities at their destination, as well as detailed maps and directions.

How Booking works

Booking.com works to make traveling and booking accommodation easy and hassle-free. The website offers users a number of features that simplify the booking of their ideal accommodation, be it a hotel, a resort, a house, an apartment or a hostel.

The website has an intuitive search engine that allows users to easily search through thousands of and find their perfect stay. Once they have found the right property, users can book it directly through the secure Booking.com platform with their credit card or PayPal account.

The website provides comprehensive information about each property, including photos, reviews from past guests, and detailed descriptions of available amenities. In this way, users can make an informed decision on how to choose the right accommodation for them.

Booking.com also offers a loyalty program and exclusive discounts to its customers who book through its website. This helps incentivize users to come back again and again, allowing Booking.com to build a loyal customer base that keeps coming back on a recurring basis.