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What is Google Panda

google pandaDefinition:

Google Panda is an update of the Google search algorithm launched in 2011, created by the company Navneet Panda (origin of the name), with the aim of rewarding those websites with original and useful content for the user, and punish on the rank page those who have a low quality. In this way Google decided to improve the experience of users, applying a drastic change that sank all those websites based on content copied from other websites or over optimized. In conclusion, since the introduction of Google Panda has significantly improved the relevance of the websites best positioned in the first search results, thus benefiting users and forcing webmasters to design new strategies to reach the top positions in the ranking.

Evolution of Google Panda

Since its first launch in 2011, Google has been launching successive updates of the algorithm every year in order to optimize it to the maximum and so that we must be constantly informed of it if we want our website to position it as well as possible.


Factors considered by Google Panda

With the launch of the Google Panda, it goes into operation by reviewing each website, and penalizing or rewarding it based on the following factors:

  • Duplicate Content:The content of a website must be 100% original and not be copied from any other page. Not only that, but rewriting duplicate content to differ from the original, even if it is no longer valued as duplicate content will be considered that it does not provide additional value and therefore will not position it properly.
  • Relevant Content:through relevance, it is rewarded that the content accessed by the user is useful for the user and is related to the searches he performs. A low bounce rate or a high dwell time on the website are symptoms that our website has adequate relevance.
  • Excessive Advertising:in order to improve the experience of users, Panda also punishes those websites that are saturated with advertising.
  • Navigability:the website must be consistent and not hinder the navigation of Internet users.


How to decriminalize my Google Panda site

Considering the above considerations, it’s easy to tell if your site has been penalized by Google Panda if it meets any of the above factors. In this case it is worth mentioning that leaving Panda is not a quick process, but requires constant work for a long time. Reducing advertising, eliminating those pages with duplicate content, improving the web architecture, taking care of the number of links and the hierarchy of it and finally optimizing navigability to the maximum, will be measures that will gradually boost us back to the top positions.