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What is Header



The Header, called header in Spanish, is an indispensable element of any website located at the top of it, which contains a series of relevant elements of an informative and indicative nature that serve as the first contact and guide to a user when entering a website. Also sometimes referred to as a navigation bar or menu, the header is an indispensable element in any website since it determines the first impression that users get of it and above all because it helps enormously to improve the navigability and usability of the website.

In HTML5 language it is written using the following semantic tag:

Header Elements

Generally, all headers usually have a series of common elements, each of which plays its own role:

In the upper left of the headers is usually located the logo or other corporate symbol related to the identity of the brand of the website. In addition to playing a role of branding as a general rule, it is here where the link to the home of the website is usually located.

  • Search bar

More and more web pages incorporate a search bar in the upper right of the headers, since it is a key element to improve navigability within the website, and makes it much more accessible.

  • Language selection

Those web pages that are designed in several languages incorporate a small section in the header that allows us to select the one we want, usually represented by the flag of the country whose language we want to use.

  • Contact

Some websites incorporate basic contact information such as phone, email, and location at the top (others at the bottom).

  • Website Links

To facilitate navigability within the website, the header incorporates links to the main sections of the same

  • Social Media

It is also a good option to dedicate a small space to link with the main social networks of our company such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

For those websites that wish to incorporate advertising within their website, they can reserve a small space in their header for it. Banner.

  • Registration/Login

Link to log in within the website or in case of not having a profile yet, the option to register in it.

  • Mobile App

If we have an application developed for Android or IOS we can link to the corresponding app store to download it.