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What is Subliminal Advertising

Subliminal Advertising


Subliminal advertising is the technique used by advertisers to convey hidden messages through visual or auditory stimuli that are not consciously perceived by the person receiving them. This technique is based on the idea that the human brain can process information without the need for the person to be aware of it.

The effectiveness of subliminal advertising has been the subject of controversy since it began to be used in the 50s. It has been argued that subliminal advertising can influence a person’s behavior without their awareness of it, which is considered a form of manipulation.

Although the effectiveness of subliminal advertising has not been scientifically proven, it has been proven that certain subliminal stimuli can affect a person’s perception and behavior. For example, it has been shown that subliminal images or words can influence the choice of certain products or decision-making.

Dangers of subliminal advertising

Subliminal advertising has come under heavy criticism because of the potential drawbacks it can have for consumers. Some of the main concerns are:

  • Manipulation: The main concern with subliminal advertising is that it can be used to manipulate the consumer. While it is true that advertising itself is a persuasion technique, subliminal advertising can be considered as a form of deception. By sending hidden messages that are not consciously perceived, subliminal advertising can lead to decisions that the consumer would not make if they had access to all the information.
  • Ethicity: Another major concern with subliminal advertising is ethics. Many people consider subliminal advertising to be an unethical form of manipulation. While it is true that there is nothing illegal about subliminal advertising, some people argue that it is unethical to use hidden messages to influence consumer decisions.
  • Effectiveness: As previously mentioned, the effectiveness of subliminal advertising has not been scientifically proven. Therefore, if a company invests in subliminal advertising, it may be spending resources on a technique that does not work.

Examples of subliminal advertising

Some real examples of the use of subliminal advertising:

  • In the 1950s, an experiment was conducted at a movie theater in New Jersey where an image of Coca-Cola and another of popcorn were inserted into a single image for an extremely short period of time. The results indicated that sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn increased significantly. This experiment is regarded as one of the earliest and best-known examples of subliminal advertising.
  • In 2000, the CBS television channel came under fire for inserting subliminal footage from the television series Survivor into its programming. The ads included images from the series that lasted only a fraction of a second and overlapped with other ads. Although the network denied intending the subliminal advertising, it apologized for any confusion it might have caused.
  • The Miller Lite beer brand used subliminal imagery in its television commercials in 1990. In the commercial, a man could be seen opening a beer bottle and drinking it. However, subliminal images of attractive women were inserted into the beer foam. As a result, there was a significant increase in beer sales.
  • In 2007, ABC was criticized for inserting a subliminal message into one of its television programs. During the show, a subliminal message could be seen flashing on the screen that said “trust the government” for less than a second. The network denied inserting the subliminal message, but the incident caused great concern among the public.

These examples show how subliminal advertising can be used to influence consumer perception and behavior. However, it is important to be aware of the dangers and ethical concerns associated with this advertising technique. For this reason, many countries have banned subliminal advertising in the mass media.

Prohibition of subliminal advertising

Subliminal advertising has been regulated in different countries due to concerns about its manipulative use on the consumer. In the United States, for example, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has banned subliminal advertising in the mass media since 1974. In Europe, the European Parliament has drafted a directive establishing a similar ban on subliminal advertising on television.

There are several reasons why subliminal advertising has been banned. Firstly, it is believed that it may adversely affect the consumer’s freedom of choice. By being exposed to advertising messages without even being aware of it, the consumer is not able to make an informed decision and may end up buying something they do not want.

In addition, subliminal advertising can be considered misleading, since the advertising message is not presented openly and can be misinterpreted. Consumers have the right to receive clear and truthful information about the products they are buying.

Despite the ban, subliminal advertising is still used in some areas. In outdoor advertising, for example, it is possible to include subliminal messages in the design of an advertisement to attract the consumer’s attention unconsciously. However, the actual effectiveness of subliminal advertising in this context remains questioned.