The visual marketing is that strategy within marketing that consists of using visual elements to promote a brand or transmit the image you want to give of it, that is, the marketing process with photos, videos and other visual elements that attest to the value of your product or brand.
Visual marketing is about connecting marketing messages with images, whether it’s photos, graphics, infographics, videos, logos, signs, and more. Visual marketing is about making an object, rather than just text, the center of your message, because humans respond better to nonverbal (wordless) communication.
Visual Marketing in Digital Marketing Strategy
Images and other visual elements acquire great importance in the world of marketing since they cause a great impact, quickly and directly, last longer in the minds of users and assimilate them better than other content such as text. In the world of digital marketing this relevance is even greater, in recent years visual information has grown on the internet at a dizzying pace, the growing trends in the use of websites based on images and social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, or the Facebook wall itself justifies the fact that people want to believe what they see, and therefore, the basis of Visual Marketing.
In this context, figures such as the graphic designer, the communitty manager or the blogger must be able to incorporate these visual marketing techniques in front of the public, with elements such as videos, images, animated gifs, presentations, screenshots, graphics, emojis, infographics or illustrations, among others.